Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is child abuse and an extremely harmful practice with devastating health consequences for girls and women. Some girls die from blood loss or infection as a direct result of the procedure. Some women who have undergone FGM are also likely to find it difficult to give birth and many also suffer from longterm psychological trauma. 

FGM is a crime in the UK.

Even if someone is taken overseas to undergo FGM, it is still a crime in the UK if the mutilation is done by a UK national or a UK resident. It is also a crime if a UK national or resident assists or gets a non-UK national or resident to carry out FGM overseas on a UK national or resident. 

If you are in the UK and are concerned that you may be taken overseas for the purpose of FGM please call the police by dialling 999. If you are abroad and require help or advice please call the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on +44 (0) 20 7008 1500

Help for FGM

National FGM Support Clinics (NFGMSCs) are community-based clinics that offer a range of support services for women with female genital mutilation (FGM).

The service is free to access.

NHS Support Clinics

NSPCC FGM Helpline: 0800 028 3550

Email: fgmhelp@nspcc.org.uk

Childline Tel: 0800 1111


Equality Now (in Nairobi, Kenya and London, UK)

Tel (London): +44(0) 20-7304 6902

Tel (Nairobi): + 254 20-271-9832
