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Elder Abuse - Hidden Harms
Domestic abuse can happen at any age, and anyone can be affected. Research shows that domestic abuse affecting older people is often not recognised and largely under reported.
The animation 'Hidden Harms' has been created, to help you recognise abusive and harmful behaviours by family members and where to go to get advice.
Safeguarding Adults Poster - New Resource
Download our A4 safeguarding adults poster to print and display. To request in other languages please email esab@essex.gov.uk.
Self-Neglect Advice Poster - New Resource
Created by Southend, Essex and Thurrock this resource aims to highlight the signs and symptoms of self-neglect, and where to go to get advice and support.
Safeguarding referral webinar
Supporting the third sector to make good adult safeguarding referrals.
SCIE, colleagues from local authorities and a charity share their experiences and help identify what each can do to improve the quality of referrals. Watch it here.
ESAB Annual Report 2023
The Essex Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report for 2022/23, published October 2023.
Modern Slavery - New Resource
The new Modern Slavery flowchart provides guidance on how to make a referral and details on organisations that can help and support.
National Safeguarding Adults Week 2024
Join us as we explore different themes of safeguarding across the week - lots of free resources, support and information.