National Safeguarding Adults Week 2024

Monday 18th - Friday 22nd November

There’s a strong link between safeguarding and mental and physical wellbeing. If someone’s wellbeing is suffering, they may consider certain actions that put them at risk.

Our wellbeing includes our mental and physical health, our relationships, our connection with our communities and our contribution to society. Being able to live free from abuse and neglect is a key element of wellbeing.

Any actions taken to safeguard an adult must take their whole wellbeing into account and be proportionate to the risk of harm. We should work with people to understand what matters to them and consider their beliefs, views and feelings when offering support.

This links in with Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) – a key theme referenced in a number of the recent Safeguarding Adult Reviews that ESAB have published.

We will be releasing more information on National Safeguarding Adults Week soon.

Monday: What's My Role in Safeguarding Adults?

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Hear stories from Linda and Rob who both work in the Care industry and have safeguarding at the centre of what they do. 

Tuesday: Let’s Start Talking – Taking The Lead on Safeguarding in Your Organisation

As an employer, you have a legal obligation to keep your customers and staff members safe. If a safeguarding concern was raised – would you know how to appropriately act on it?

Wednesday: Who Cares For The Carers? Secondary and Vicarious Trauma

Unpaid carers are worth £162 billion a year in England and Wales. They play such an important and valuable role — and not only for the family, friends and neighbours they help live longer in the community. Their efforts support the economy, the NHS and our social care system.

Thursday: Adopting a Trauma Informed approach to Safeguarding Adults

What is trauma-informed practice and how do we implement it? 

Friday: Listen, Learn, Lead – Co-Production With Experts by Experience